Frequently Asked Questions

Our headquarter is in Ankara, the capital of Turkiye. Also, we have R&D and development offices in two locations.

You can contact us by the Contact Form or directly e-mailing for all requests. Your request will be assigned to the Business Development team or another representative according to the content of your message. If you are already a client, visit Support Center page.

Digitalization and efficient operation is a need for all enterprises and teams of any kind and size. When we talk about investments, it all comes to estimated or calculated ROI specific to your needs and solutions. If you are not sure how to benefit or calculate the return of the investment, see Q: How can I be sure of the return of my investment? or Contact Us

Since we always seek for the most beneficial outcome for our clients, we offer a complete solution for the actual needs, after finalizing the preliminary analysis.

Belsis offers continuous support for all of its clients and extended warranty services. Even if you prefer to continue without an extended warranty agreement, whether it is an off-the-shelf product or a customized solution, Belsis always prioritizes its services' sustainability by using the latest technologies, open source coding, operating corresponding with international software quality requirements, and updates when necessary.

We operate as agile teams like most software development companies, to ensure project success by means of quality, deadline, and budget, that our focus is on the user, and the adaptation of our teams to requirements or design changes.

We offer operating support, additional developments, customization services for all of our products and solutions.

Our given estimations of ROIs are based on our experiences and previously delivered successful projects. But we understand that every organization has its specific composition and are confident about our value delivery, so if you want to calculate the return of the investment together, Contact Us

We can provide expertise and an objective eye to help guide your business digitalization investments with our years of experience and best practice knowledge. As an implementer, we can guide you to the vision of your organization with our analysis, design, and change management skills to put out a complete roadmap for your long-term goals.

Consultancy service includes various principles and in-depth analyses to generate a complete plan. We can help you to see the bigger picture and the main milestones to achieve the goals you have in mind during the proposition phase. Since consultancy is a part of complete design and implementation if you want a full-range agreement, most tasks of consultancy service will be a part of that without an additional fee.

When looking for a software solution, you will examine your own processes, needs, and requirements to find the right one. Surely some aspects of your organization may be adapted to the offered solution, but if you find some incommutable process pieces or changing those bits gets too complicated or costly, you will seek alternative solutions like customized or adapted software developments. We can help you to find the most feasible customization as a perfect fit to your needs. For more information visit Customized Software Development page.

Building a project layer by layer would surely help you get beneficial results more quickly but more importantly, with every layer delivered, we expect you to see new opportunities ahead that serve your vision as an organization.

Source codes can be delivered if it is customized software and developed by open-source technologies. We highly recommend including IT management training for those clients who prefer to have the source codes and not to have operational support services. For more information visit Training for Complete Customer Success page.

Every project consists of defined goals, desired deadlines, and a limited budget. After the analysis of the needs and requirements, we will plan the project together with you regarding your expectations and constraints as a client.

You can generate geographical data via supplemental applications of Belsis or simply just use address information for most of your geographically fixed assets.

You can view fundamental attribute data of the selected location or the asset on the location on the map or request customization of the displayable attribute data on the map (for in-house applications only). Furthermore, you can search, filter, or run queries for specific attribute data to display on the map and prefer a layer to be displayed on.

Some of our products are ready to integrate certain management information systems in use, and all are fully integrateable with services. You can always request custom integrations before or after installations for various systems and data (for in-house applications only).

A demo is an effective way of understanding each other by means of needs, requirements, and opportunities. Hence, we prefer examining the demo together, after initial discussions. To set up a demo session Contact Us

We offer standard documents, online sessions, and on-site training with the goal of providing our clients with a comprehensive understanding of our products and solutions. By covering all aspects of the product, from installation and setup to troubleshooting and optimization, we ensure that our clients are able to use our products and solutions successfully. For more information visit Training Services page.

Except for visual or written documents provided for products or solutions, training services may have different contents or requirements to reach successful onboarding. You will be informed on recommended setting and time of the trainings beforehand and your additional requests to the program will surely be taken into consideration. For more information see Q: How are the contents of training determined? or visit Training Services page.

Contents, programs, and recommended settings are determined according to both the products and services you request from Belsis and your organization by means of the diversity and qualifications of your teams. For more information visit Training Services page.